Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Cool kids get braces!

Braces today are “cool” and—many would say—even “fun.” These were among the findings of a 2010 nationwide survey of moms whose children are going through or have had orthodontic treatment. New technologies such as SureSmile and Invisalign, advanced computer software, color options, and even popular celebrities—Tom Cruise, Dakota Fanning, Danny Glover, Serena Williams—sporting stylish braces are making orthodontic treatment more comfortable, fashionable and cool for today’s teens.

The study, conducted on behalf of our friends at the American Association of Orthodontists for February’s National Children’s Dental Health Month, found 86 percent of moms reporting that braces are cooler today than when they were children. Sixty-nine percent of moms also said wearing braces makes their children feel cool, and 81 percent reported their children’s experience with orthodontic treatment as either positive or extremely positive.

Different color options and the ability to change colors, for example, provide exciting ways for young patients to customize appearances. That enthusiasm helps them to feel good about their orthodontic treatment with Dr. Dean P. Leonard, and may contribute to the success of treatment.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Dr. Leonard wants to know: are there teeth grinders in your house?

Grind, grind, grind. If you live with a teeth grinder, you may be familiar with this unpleasant sound, especially recently. A recent study published in the journal Head & Face Medicine suggests that people—adults and kids—faced with stress tend to cope by grinding their teeth. In addition, the Chicago Dental Society suggests that since the recession began in 2007, teeth grinding, or bruxism, has been on the rise.

The Chicago Dental Society surveyed more than 250 members about the connection between stress and oral health. Nearly 75 percent of dentists said their patients reported increased stress over the past year, largely due to the economic recession. During stressful times, teeth grinding can be a nuisance that causes headaches and sleep problems, but it also can cause lasting problems for your teeth and gums, including chipped teeth, worn enamel, chronic pain, or even TMJ, a painful jaw disorder.

The first step of recovering from teeth grinding is noticing the problem, says Dr. Leonard. Symptoms of teeth grinding include:

• Sensitivity in the teeth
• Tightness or pain in the jaw
• Dull headaches, earaches, or facial pain
• Chipped, worn down, or loose teeth

An important thing to remember is that people frequently grind their teeth in response to stress, and taking measures to reduce or eliminate stress can help solve the problem. If the teeth-grinder in your house can’t stop, schedule an appointment to see us by giving us a call. Dr. Leonard and our team at Alpha Orthodontics can help determine the cause of the problem.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

10 Dos and Don’ts of Facebook for parents, from Alpha Orthodontics

Many parents tend to sign up for Facebook accounts and ‘friend’ their kids, often as a way to keep an eye on their online activities. But then what? Many parents in this digital age are still lost when it comes to monitoring their kids online.

Last fall, parenting author Vicki Courtney wrote a helpful post on the things parents should and shouldn’t do while surfing through their kids’ Facebook profiles. Dr. Leonard and our team at Alpha Orthodontics thought you might benefit from reading Vicki’s interesting piece.

Here are “Top Ten Facebook No-Nos for Parents,” designed specifically for those moms and dads who aren’t sure whether they’ve crossed the line in monitoring their kids’ presence online.

We hope you find this article informational. Please let us know what you think!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Ask Dr. Leonard: Who benefits from Incognito™?

Alpha Orthodontics, serving Albert Lea, Mason City, Waseca, and Blue Earth, is pleased to offer our patients Incognito (formerly known as iBraces). Our team is always receiving questions about Incognito, which is why we wanted to discuss today a few of the unique benefits of this new orthodontic treatment. To begin, Incognito is placed behind your teeth, rather than in a visible area. Because of this, no one will ever know that you are wearing braces! This unique type of braces is created using state-of-the-art technology and is entirely customized to the shape of your teeth. Hence, you can improve your smile efficiently and effectively in a discreet new way.

Who especially benefits from Incognito?

• Athletes
• Models
• Actors
• Musicians, especially those who play wind instruments
• Adult professionals

For more information on Incognito and treatment options at Alpha Orthodontics, please give us a call today to schedule your complimentary consultation!