Thursday, September 30, 2010

"It blew me away how friendly they are!" -Dr. Leonard patient testimonial

Your teeth are so straight, you must have got them from Dr. Leonard at Alpha Orthodontics! Dr. Leonard and his experienced team provide high-tech and cutting-edge treatments, combined with warm and friendly service, to give you the smile you’ve always dreamed of. Dr. Leonard specializes in adult and child orthodontics, offering SureSmile, Invisalign invisible braces, and iBraces.

For more information on Alpha Orthodontics, feel free to visit our website, or schedule an appointment with Dr. Leonard today!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Alpha Orthodontics, supporting Moms for Mouth Guards

Hey, Moms! Have you signed the Moms for Mouth Guards Pledge?

Here at Alpha Orthodontics, we care about your pearly whites, and we want to help keep you protected from sports injuries that can be damaging to your beautiful smile. As a way of ensuring that children are using proper facial protection equipment, our friends at the American Association of Orthodontics have introduced the Moms for Mouth Guards Pledge.

Dr. Leonard will tell you that mouth guards are vital to protecting your teeth from sports related injuries while participating in sports, such as football, soccer, baseball, hockey and basketball, just to name a few. The Moms for Mouth Guards Pledge is a way for moms nationwide to make a commitment to protecting their children’s smile from facial injuries.

We’ve discussed the importance of using facial protection in the past. Today, we thought we’d invite moms to take action by visiting the Moms for Mouth Guards website and taking the Moms for Mouth Guards Pledge.

Have a safe week everyone!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Dr. Leonard asks: Is your child nearing their seventh birthday?

Many parents assume they must wait until their child has all of his or her permanent teeth to see Dr. Leonard, only to discover treatment would have been much easier if started earlier. Did you know the American Association of Orthodontists recommends that every child have an orthodontic check-up no later than age seven?

That’s right—seven.

Ok, so what’s so great about age seven, you ask? Enough permanent teeth have arrived for us to make a determination about whether any problems are present. The first molars have come in, providing an opportunity to check for malocclusion, or “bad bite.” Also, the incisors have begun to come in, and problems such as crowding, deep bites and open bites can be detected.

Orthodontic evaluation at an early age provides one of two positive outcomes: For some, early identification or problems will lead to easier or shorter orthodontic treatment in the future. For others, a healthy prognosis will provide immediate peace of mind.

Early evaluation, of course, may signal a need for early treatment. For some children, early treatment can prevent physical and emotional trauma. Aside from spurring on years of harmful teasing, misaligned teeth are also prone to injury and are detrimental to good oral hygiene. So, if your child is nearing his or her seventh birthday, give Alpha Orthodontics a call!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

The advantage of SureSmile®

Does the thought of having braces bring you down? The team at Alpha Orthodontics understands that one of the biggest concerns for patients with braces is the treatment length.

But you’re in luck, because Dr. Leonard specializes in SureSmile, high-tech braces that are revolutionizing the orthodontic industry. SureSmile combines digital 3-D imaging, has computer-aided treatment planning and customized archwires to straighten teeth about 40 percent faster than traditional braces.

With SureSmile’s specially programmed archwires, your teeth move more directly into their intended positions. The result for our patients is shortened treatment time and a more comfortable experience in braces.

Once the braces are on it’s only a matter of time before they are taken off revealing beautiful, straight, healthy teeth. With traditional braces a patient is expected to schedule 18 to 20 office visits over two years. With SureSmile, patients average seven to 10 visits and can have their braces off within half the time!

If you’re considering orthodontic treatment, please contact Alpha Orthodontics today!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Your turn! From Alpha Orthodontics

Week after week, Dr. Leonard and team blog about important topics pertinent to dental care and your well-being, including innovative orthodontic techniques we offer. Today, we thought we’d step back and ask you, our loyal patients and readers: What’s on your mind? What would you like to know about the field of dentistry? What would you like us to focus on our blog in the coming months? Let us know by posting here or on our Facebook fan page!

So… take it away and we’ll try to answer any questions you may have!